Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mystery Illness "Sweat Blood" Dora.

Rare disease re-hit Indonesia, this time upon a coed university law faculties of Bung Hatta, Padang. Blood out of the pores of his scalp when he feels tired or stressed, but it also blood out from the nose, ears and mouth.

Dora blood first came out in 2003. Dora fell from a ladder when an office in Batam.

Based on the results of the examination while, the doctors diagnose platelet function disorders Dora (trombophaty). "We still do not understand why it happened, but for the first diagnosis are the presence of platelet abnormalities in clotting function," said a specialist Hematology RSCM, Shupri Efendi, who also handles Dora.

There are three possible triggers of these defects. First, the mother taking supplements that interfere with platelet function during pregnancy Dora. Second, any conflict or head trauma due to fall several years ago. Third, a history of lupus disease. Various possibilities are still in the laboratory.

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih ensure medical expenses Dora guaranteed government. He estimates Dora treatment requires a long time. "There is no better word for this disease. On a regular basis, patients should receive blood transfusions," said Minister Endang.

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